.. _cli::p3-submit-gene-tree: ################### p3-submit-gene-tree ################### ************************************ Submit a Gene Phylogeny Tree Request ************************************ This script submits a request to build a phylogenetic tree of protein sequences. It accepts as input a group of FASTA files, and forms them into a tree using various criteria and methods. ************** Usage Synopsis ************** .. code-block:: perl p3-submit-gene-tree [options] output-path output-name Start a gene phylogeny job, producing output in the specified workspace path, using the specified name for the base filename of the output files. Command-Line Options ==================== - --workspace-path-prefix Base workspace directory for relative workspace paths. - --workspace-upload-path Name of workspace directory to which local files should be uplaoded. - --overwrite If a file to be uploaded already exists and this parameter is specified, it will be overwritten; otherwise, the script will error out. - --sequences Main list of FASTA input files. These can be protein fasta files or DNA fasta files. For multiple files, specify the option multiple times. - --trim-threshold Alignment end-trimming threshold. - --gap-threshold Threshold for deleting alignments with large gaps. - --dna If specified, the inputs are assumed to be DNA sequences. The default is protein sequences. - --substitution-model Substitution model to use. The options are \ ``HKY85``\ , \ ``JC69``\ , \ ``K80``\ , \ ``F81``\ , \ ``F84``\ , \ ``TN93``\ , \ ``GTR``\ , \ ``LG``\ , \ ``WAG``\ , \ ``JTT``\ , \ ``MtREV``\ , \ ``Dayhoff``\ , \ ``DCMut``\ , \ ``RtREV``\ , \ ``CpREV``\ , \ ``VT``\ , \ ``AB``\ , \ ``Blosum62``\ , \ ``MtMam``\ , \ ``MtArt``\ , \ ``HIVw``\ , or \ ``HIVb``\ . - --recipe Recipe for building the tree. The options are \ ``RAxML``\ , \ ``PhyML``\ , or \ ``FastTree``\ . The default is \ ``RAxML``\ . The following options are used for assistance and debugging. - --help Display the command-line usage and exit. - --dry-run Display the JSON submission string and exit without invoking the service or uploading files.