BV-BRC (PATRIC) Workshop at ASM Microbe¶

BV-BRC is presenting a workshop on June 9 at ASM Microbe 2022 in Washington, DC entitled, Genomic, Transcriptomic and Metagenomic Analysis of Bacterial Data in the BV-BRC (aka PATRIC).
The 1-day workshop (8:00am - 4:00pm) will include hands-on training designed to teach you to how to do the following in BV-BRC:
Examine read quality
Assemble a genome
Annotate a genome
Generate a genome alignment
Build a phylogentic tree
Analyze RNA-Seq data
Analyze SNPs
Analyze metagenomic samples to classify the organisms present and extract whole genome data from mixed read samples
Additional Instructors will be present to help individuals as needed.