BV-BRC Workshop at J. Craig Venter Institute, May 5-8, 2025ΒΆ

The BV-BRC (Bacterial and Viral Bioinformatics Resource Center) team will be offering a Bioinformatics Workshop on May 5-8, 2025, at J. Craig Venter Institute in La Jolla, California- San Diego County. The workshop will show researchers how to analyze and explore bacterial and viral pathogen data using the BV-BRC website, focusing on bacterial, and viral examples and workflows.
This workshop will have two separate components, and researchers can register for one or both. The bacterial component, concentrating on analyzing antimicrobial resistance data, will take place on Monday, May 5th to mid-day on Tuesday, May 6th. The viral component will begin Tuesday, May 6th and concludes on Wednesday, May 7th. Thursday morning will include a command line activity and an activity to tie together BV-BRC analysis.
Researchers can sign up for one or both of these sessions and must state their preference(s) when they register (see Registration below).
The workshop will consist of interactive hands-on training sessions. During Days 1-2 (May 5-6) the workshop will concentrate on exploring and analyzing bacterial antimicrobial resistance data . Participants will learn how to search for public datasets of interest and perform genomic, comparative genomic, metagenomic, and transcriptomic analyses using various analysis services and tools at BV-BRC.
The viral component begins on the afternoon of Day 2 (May 6), concentrating on searching for data performing phylogenetic and comparative genomic analyses. Day 3 (May 7) focuses on sequence assembly and annotation, subspecies classification, protein structure, surveillance data exploration, sequence feature variant data and transcriptomic analysis. Day 4 (May 8) will focus on using the BV-BRC command-line interface for programmatic search and retrieval of data and submission of analysis jobs. Users will also have the opportunity to work with their own data and analysis problems with assistance from the BV-BRC team members.
Registration is now open for this workshop. Please fill out this form to register. Registration will be confirmed by receiving an email of acceptance.
FAQ 1) Is there a fee for registraion? No, registration is free! 2) Do I need prior bioinformatic experience? No prior experience is necessary. 3) Will I need to bring my own computer? Yes you will need to bring your own computer. 4) Are there room blocks for the workshop? We are currently working on room blocks with local hotels- more information to come soon. This page will be updated with hotel information. 5) Do I need to bring my own data? No, the examples will all use publically available data. However if you have a question about your data, please ask and we are happy to help you use the BV-BRC for it. 6) Do you offer any scholarships for attendance? Unfortunately we do not offer scholarships for attendance but recommend seeking out opportunities on your own. Here are a few options outside of the BV-BRC that might be worth considering, this list is not exhaustive nor supported by us. Graduate student travel funds from universities
Complete Agenda to come. See above for basic outline of schedule.