
Copy files between local computer and PATRIC workspace

p3-cp [options] source_file target_file
p3-cp [options] source_file ... target_directory
p3-cp -R [options] source_file ... target_directory

In the first form, copy source_file to target_file. Here, neither parameter may be a directory.

In the second form, copy all source_file items to target_directory.

In the third form, recursively copy all source_file items to target_directory.

Source and destination file and directories may either be files local to the current computer or in the PATRIC workspace. Names in the workspace are denoted with a ws: prefix.

Usage synopsis

p3-cp [options] source dest
p3-cp [options] source... directory
p3-cp [options] -t directory source...

Copy source to dest, or multiple source(s) to directory.

Source and destination file and directories may either be files local to the current computer or in the PATRIC workspace. Names in the workspace are denoted with a ws: prefix.

The following options may be provided:

-r or --recursive                  If source is a directory, copies the directory and its contents.
                                   If source ends in /, copy the contents of the directory.
-p or --workspace-path-prefix STR  Prefix for relative workspace pathnames specified with ws:
-f or --overwrite                  If a file to be uploaded already exists, overwrite it.
-m or --map-suffix suffix=type     When copying to workspace, map a file with the given
                                   suffix to the given type.