
Get All the Features in One or More Subsystems

p3-get-subsystem-features.pl [options]

This script takes as input a file of subsystem IDs (names) and lists the features in each one. As with all database scripts, the fields retrieved are appended to the input record. In this case, however, the number of results returned for each input record is expected to be very large.

Note that the returned object is a subsystem-item record. It contains data about the feature’s relationship to the subsystem, not the feature itself. To get feature data, pipe this command into p3-get-feature-data.


There are no positional parameters.

The standard input can be overridden using the options in Input Options.

Additional command-line options are those given in Data Options and Column Options plus the following.

  • fields

List the available field names.

  • names

If specified, then the input is presumed to contain subsystem names (with spaces) instead of subsystem IDs (with underscores). Note that some subsystem names have invisible spaces at the end, and these MUST be included in the input.