
Small File Multi-Column Sort

p3-sort.pl [options] col1 col2 ... colN

This is a sort script variant that sorts a single small file in memory with the ability to specify multiple columns. It assumes the file has a header, and the columns are tab-delimited. If no columns are specified, it sorts by the first column only.


The positional parameters are the indices (1-based) or names of the key columns. Columns to be sorted numerically are indicated by a slash-n (/n) at the end of the column index or name. So,

p3-sort genome.genome_id feature.start/n

Would indicate two key columns, the second of which is to be sorted numerically.

Use /p to sort in PEG order, which means the column contains FIG feature IDs.

To sort in reverse, add /r for reverse string sort and /nr for reverse numeric sort.

The standard input can be overridden using the options in Input Options.

The following additional options are suppported.

  • count

If specified, the output will consist only of the key fields with a count column added.

  • nonblank

If specified, records with at least one empty key field will be discarded.

  • unique

Only include one output line for each key value. This option is mutually exclusive with --dups.

  • dups

Only include lines with duplicate keys in the output. This option is mutually exclusive with --unique.

  • nohead

If specified, the input file has no headers.

  • verbose

Write progress messages to STDERR.