Create a Pivot Analysis of Two Columns¶
p3-pivot.pl [options] col1 col2
This script analyzes the frequency distribution of the values in one column compared to the values in the other. Unlike p3-compare-cols, it can be used when the number of possible values for the second column is very high. Instead of a matrix, the output is in the form of a five-column table: (0) the value in the first column, (1) the value in the second column, (2) the number of times the pair occured, (3) the percent of rows containing the first column’s value that had the second column’s value, and (4) the percent of rows containing the second column’s value that had the first column’s value.
The positional parameters are the column indices (1-based) or names of the two columns.
The standard input can be overridden using the options in Input Options.